Hi, my name is Nathaniel Roberts, the founder of Vortex Taps.

Do you remember the first time you purchased a box wine? Do you remember why you bought it?

We asked, and there are three reasons above all others, Convenience, Function, and Value.

And I think you will agree that is what alternative packaging is all about. A study done in 2015 by the Texas Wine Research Institute* stated that value and function were rated as the most important aspects for consumers buying wine. In their recommendation section, wineries were to focus on adding additional functions and convenience for alternative packaging.

I am an avid box wine drinker and have proudly converted all my friends. One night I was sitting down watching a game of thrones three years ago, and mid-pour, I remembered the aerator I had just bought and decided that now would be a good time to try it out. Well, I ran rummaged through my drawer, grabbed it ran back, and picked up my glass. I had the aerator in one hand, glass in the other, and now a dumbfounded look at the tap. I needed three hands. This wasn’t convenient, it didn’t make the wine feel valuable, and it was functionally ridiculous to pull off.  After three years of testing and bringing together a kick-ass team.

I get to introduce you to the vortex tap.

Adding the convenience of an integrated aerator that allows consumers to choose if they want aerated or non-aerated wine adds a social element and gives that immediate gratification. We have tested this solution with users, and they love it! The vortex tap improves the taste for some, others are excited to share the experience with friends, and overall they love the convenience you get from one package.

With your delicious wine and our convenient tap, we will bring even more enthusiastic users to the bag-in-the-box industry.

If you think this could add value to your consumers, call or message us to set the meeting at Nathaniel@vortextaps.com.

Thank you, we are looking forward to connecting and providing convenience and value to you. Cheers.

*Study: https://www.depts.ttu.edu/hs/texaswine/docs/Final_Alternative_Packaging.pdf